Giornata Nazionale per la Promozione della Lettura 2022
CityDoor MilanoCityDoor Milano
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24 March

National Day for Reading Promotion

The promotion of reading in schools in Lombardy is supported by a series of initiatives implemented in collaboration with local resources that aim to stimulate reading with updated methods and in an integrated perspective.


Strategic is the collaboration between USR Lombardia and Bookcity Milan, an annual initiative that is "articulated in a three-day event (plus one dedicated to schools), during which meetings, presentations, dialogues, readings aloud, exhibitions are promoted , shows, seminars, on new reading practices, starting from old, new and very new books, from public and private historical collections and libraries, from reading practices as an individual but also collective event ”. The project includes a section dedicated to schools with interventions that take place throughout the school year and see the participation of the Lombard school world.


The School Office has also joined the Pact of Reading in Milan, a governance tool for book promotion and reading policies that is based on a collaboration method with local authorities (libraries, publishing houses, libraries, authors and readers organized in groups, associations, universities and educational institutions) whose model is considered exportable to other provincial realities.

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