Giornata Mondiale del cuore 2022
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29 September

World Heart Day

World Heart Day is celebrated on September 29th each year. It is a worldwide information and awareness campaign on the prevention of cardio-cerebro-vascular diseases, promoted worldwide by the World Heart Federation through a community of over 200 national organizations which, together, support the commitment of the medical society and the foundations for the heart in over 100 countries.

In Italy, World Heart Day is coordinated by the Italian Foundation for the Heart, the national member of the World Heart Federation, with the aim of informing and sensitizing people, families, communities and the political world by inviting everyone to promote initiatives and activities to adopt healthy lifestyles to reduce cardiovascular risk factors that are the main cause of these diseases.

Cardio-cerebro-vascular diseases are still by far the leading cause of death in our world and in many countries.

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