Giornata mondiale per la giustizia sociale 2022
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20 February

International day for social justice

On November 26, 2007, with Resolution A / RES / 62/10, the General Assembly proclaimed February 20 as World Day for Social Justice and invited Member States to dedicate this day to the promotion of national activities, consistent with the goals and the goals of the World Summit for Social Development and the 24th session of the General Assembly.

The celebration of World Social Justice Day should support the international community's efforts to eradicate poverty, promote employment for all and decent work, gender equality and access to social welfare and justice for all.

For the United Nations, the search for social justice for all is at the heart of the global mission to promote development and human dignity. The adoption of the Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization by the International Labor Organization (ILO) is just one of the recent examples of the commitment of the United Nations system for social justice. The Declaration aims to guarantee fair results for all through work, social protection, social dialogue as well as the fundamental principles and rights of work.

The message of the United Nations today is: "if you want peace and development, work for social justice".



The new vision for the economy

The world has changed dramatically. Today we live in the "era of the anthropocene" that is in a world where human beings are dramatically altering their eco-systems. The concepts and models of the traditional economy were developed in an empty world. If we want to create sustainable prosperity, if we seek "increased human well-being and social equality, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological deficiencies" we will need a new vision of the economy and its relationship to the rest of the world, which better adapt to the conditions we face.

The world will need an economy that respects planetary boundaries, that re-establishes justice and social relations as the basis for human well-being and that, finally, recognizes sustainable and real well-being as the ultimate goal and not merely the growth of material consumption.

The new economy recognizes that it is incorporated into a society and a culture which, in turn, are incorporated into a system of ecological life; moreover, the new economic science is aware that the economy cannot grow forever in a finite planet.



Source: ILO

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